
Friday, June 30, 2006

Explorace Episode 2 : Labuan

Hi all!!!

Carmen and Lela will go against Jehan and Amalia tonight in Labuan.

Watch them in action! Tune in to TV3 at 9am tonight and don't miss it!

Taken from Explorace Season 3 Website
The first race of Explorace Season 3 saw all girls teams take a Malaysia Airlines flight to the Garden Island of Borneo, Labuan! The teams consisting of Amalia & Jehan and Lela & Carmen were so excited… but the journey was just beginning….

The race began at the Labuan clock tower. Both teams excitedly opened up their very first clue envelope to the start of their races. A helicopter, brought in especially for the race was hovering above to capture aerial views of this exciting new season! Aerial shots from 500 to 5000 feet high will be featured in this race… WOW!!!!

Route 1 was to be tackled by Lela and Jehan. The task at point one in Kampung Lubuk Temiang immediately got both of them very dirty as they chiseled away on tyres to collect oyster and their shells. The sharp edges of the shells cut their hands too, making it increasingly difficult to finish the task quickly. Next stop was the Labuan Market where they had to use hand skills again to make an ‘Explorace’ necklace. But, making it, was not enough to complete the task…. They then had to sell two of the necklaces, one to a man and one to a woman before they could move on with the Golden Box to the meeting point…

On Route 2, Carmen and Amalia’s first task was to clean apartments to a level accepted by Beta Serviced Apartments. This task was easy compared to their next task at the chimney! A mini chimney structure broken up into smaller pieces had to be reassembled first. Then, they had to be strapped in by Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat staff for a 106 foot abseil down the real tall chimney! Any fear of heights had to be suppressed cause their Golden Key was stuck to the wall of the chimney. They had to pull it off the wall during their abseil down.

All four had to endure pain that was mounting very quickly in their arms as they kayaked to the meeting point at Pulau Papan. The self prepared meal where they grilled fish and plucked coconuts provided them with valuable energy that they all needed to carry on their extreme journey.

Arriving at the water village Kampung Patau- Patau, the teams discovered that they had to use their arms strength yet again. First to row the sampan around the village to search for the house of the ketua kampung for their next task. Their arms were really beginning to feel like dead weight. Patience between Lela and Carmen started to wear very thin here, with shouting and arguing going on between them all through their task of catching fish at the water village. Irritable emotions were becoming very obvious!

Did Lela and Carmen manage to overcome their arguments and work together as a team again to make it to the finishing point first or did the more cool, calm and collected team of Amalia and Jehan beat them?

To find out, don’t miss the Labuan Race of Explorace – The Extreme Journey on Season 3, on air Friday, 30th June 2006, 9.00 pm exclusively on TV3.

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