
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Kiara#3-#5 Feb2011

I rode Kiara on Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week. I am kind of addicted to this place. In fact, i am riding this place more this week than i ever done in combination over 5 years!
Perhaps it is a good thing. After all, Kiara is 3km ride away.
I rode Thursday and Friday myself alone. Was kind of worried and I do not know the trails well. Only familiar name that i can think of is Twin Peak, 2K, Kampong and Carnival.
The two rides i did with RoLance has made me re-think my HRMax, or maximum heart rate. The typical formula is 220-Age. This will give me a theoretical HRMax of 185bpm. A more accurate representation would be for someone to push themselves to the (thin fine line of cardiac arrest or to the) point of fainting. This is how VO2Max is measured as well.
As one gets fitter and stronger, the can push themselves to maximal effort with very controlled HR (or effort). Many factors will change/influence this, which includes temperature, humidity and even altitude. In a controlled environment (usually in a sports lab where a person's VO2Max or HRMax are measured), one can safely obtain this vital information.
So, what do one do when they do not have the privilege of a sports lab or know people that could actually do this for a small token fee?
They do Kiara.
After riding at Kiara twice with Roland, i thought it's time for me to attempt it on my own. Kiara#3 mark the ride i did on my own. Not knowing much where to go, i try to recollect the route that Roland took me.
Apart from a few dead-ends and climbing back to the last known junctions, i did not get lost too far.
Distance :11.61km
HRMax : 170bpm
Really struggled up TwinPeaks. Took 4 attempt to get a clear photo as the other 3 blurred as my hand shakes. HRMax170bpm right here!
Finished the ride by doing the 2K loop and back to carpark a happy man with no fall!
The next day, i decided to ride Kiara again. Kiara #4 was a more confident ride (both routes and technical riding) as the previous Kiara#3 gave me some guts again.
Cleaned the drops and hairpin corners
Elated and perhaps it was without Roland pressuring from the front (as in i have to chase him) helped a bit. I posted a good improvement in timing too over the same route.
Singletracks mostly. This is an easier portion with no roots on ground to topple you over. But if not careful, your butt will end up down the cliff on the left.
My heart rate went up the roof in yesterday's ride. 172bpm was a nice feeling. It makes you feel alive. Yeah right. 
"hypeventilated at 172bpm. Heart wanted to jump out. Diaphragm contracting to assist lung. Lung gasping for air. Sphincter muscle threathen to give way...but no fainting feeling. There got to be an EASIER way to determine your Max Heartrate!!!
Distance : 9.28km
Today, i did Kiara#5. Thinking this will start to be a walk in the park for me after two successful "fast" ride. With me planning to push my HRMax beyond 172bpm. I got to find my absolute maximal heart rate. It has become sort of obsession.
With me for the ride was Roland, Terence Law, Jason Phua, Kee Yeow, Dex and two other person that i did not introduce myself with. Perhaps it was anxiety on my side.
Once the route has been decided (2K-Apollo-Mission), Jason and Dex lead the way. Naturally, i followed through. And within 20seconds, i regret doing so. Those two were going down 2K at breakneck (and break legs) speed! I lost sight of them slightly under 30seconds and my meter read 25km/h; DOWNHILL. My average ROAD SPEED is 25km/h!
With 4 others right behind my back, i have to keep up the speed. Adrenalin does funny things to your mind and balls.
I missed one switchback (or hairpin) and decided to let everyone else overtake me. Down goes Roland into what these Kiara freaks call Terrace (at 2K). Roland cleaned the first drop and then fumbled as he fell. I was right behind him, cleaned the first drop...and in my attempt to avoid him (and fighting gravity), i went over the bar again. I swore i saw the whole thing in slow motion.
Body over bar. Legs in midair. Eyes saw a tree i can grab to stop falling.Missed it. Darn. Ugghh. Umphhh. Rolled over. Hey maybe can stand up. Nope. Went rolling second time. Saw legs again. Oppffh. Shit, whats that cracking sound?. Stopped.
I landed about 5meters away from my bike, at the bottom of the terrace. Terence had a good sight of me falling and Roland too had first class view.
Bike ok. Ride on.
The previous bruises and healing wounds from Kiara#2 was bruised/wounded again. The layer of dried skin peeled and in addition, a deeper cut on right side of knee cap. The embarrassment of the fall was not painful. The pain from the painful healing wound was painful. I scraped by elbow too.
Discussing how to fall prettily.
Perhaps it was a good fall or instinct told me to roll around to break the fall. Better than face first definitely.
The rest of the ride was pretty much very cautiously done. As the adrenalin wears off from the fall, pain started to come in. we finished off Mission and back at the crossroad.
It was then up TwinPeak - down Dirty Deeds - Traverse Snake&Ladder - Up TwinPeak again - went Around The Mountain - Carnival.

I bumped into a colleague of mine. He is doing his last Kiara Farewell ride. He has requested to be transferred to Australia.
I believe he rode all the trails there are in Kiara Hill - and only not managing to clear two trails due to the ride gradient.
At Carnival, i pretty much pushed my bike down. Can't risk more fall. I might get turned off. Perhaps.
Distance : 11.12km
HRMax : 170bpm.
Cleaned the bike and headed home. More pain awaits at home as i clean the healing wound and fresh wound with Dettol, Alcohol wipes and dress it with OpSite spray. I can already feel the burn and cringing my eyebrow as i near home.
I am now hooked on Kiara.

2011 Mileage so far:
Run: 20.6km

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