
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Kiara#6 Feb2011

After two weeks of not riding, i am back at Kiara this morning. The gang (hereby known as T-Clan - for Titanium) met up somewhere and they will try out a new trail near Carnival.
Big group ride today and the usual guys were there. Additional to that, Ms. Adilah Junid, recovering from her bad fall, was back in action.
I arrived earlier and took on 2K loop before attempting Twin Peak. The rain a day before sort of made the ground soft and mushy. A week ago, i enquired about the best possible tyre that could be used in Kiara (in my attempt to find the "sweet spot" for tyre) and to my surprised, the Hutchinson Scorpion 2.0 performed above my expectation. In fact, it bite so well the only thing that actually stopped me from clearing all the switchbacks was my non-existence skills of reading the lines and finding the exact gear.
With that last sentence there, my Kiara ride this morning pretty much went that way. My severe lack of skill off road and prevented me to fully utilize the tyres. Next change would be the Kenda Nevegal - the favorite tyres that received rave feedback. I was also told to consider running 2.1 upfront and 2.0 at the rear, or less.
Now, before i start talking as if i am some tech expert but ride like shite, let me clarify that poor rider like me needs all the help i can get. My stamina allows me to push at high rate for an extended point of time, but there are only that much of long lasting brute force could last.
In fact, today i found my heartrate to be so under controlled. I did not exceed past 80% of my MaxHR and hovers comfortably around 75%. So, that is a good improvement and indication of my fitness level that is on it's way back.
I bumped into RoLance and Alex half way up TwinPeak as they exit from Snake&Ladder. They started early like 6am and armed with lights as bright (or brighter) as car headlamp, they literally turned night into day.
I've made my order for that magic light and i shall be riding in light-ness in two weeks' time. :)
There was a new trail that everyone managed to try out. It runs around the area between the park and the parking up Kiara Hill. Must say those bumps looked deceiving and i believe i found a longer warm up ride before moving to the cross junction of Kiara Hill.
Welcome back Adilah!
The route was set and decided. It was meant to be a ride to Kampung and then back via Plan C. With that everyone started riding and as usual, i was packing the back. I felt good on the ride today and it was my inability to read the lines and also predict the right gear that has failed me. MUST IMPROVE.
I stopped only ONCE going up TwinPeak, this was a great achievement as i usually stop at least twice. The once i stopped was because i was on the wrong gear. Hard luck. Following behind Supreme Lord Stanley (SLS) was certainly a joy as i took all his lines. Good tips along the way too thanks to SLS.
I must start to reduce the resting time of these guys above!
There was some minor trail maintainence done by SLS, Terence and RoLance. Myself and Shang just enjoyed the view. After all, these three guys has enough muscle mass to get the things done.
Down Clenched Sphincter to Kampung and myself and RoLance split up with the main group. As i was too slow and has been holding them back and at the speed i was riding, i potentially will cause them to spend more time than they should riding back.
SLS working his magic even with dogs.
My return journey saw me threading through the rich man horse park, up Mission, back to 2K, went through the route down to the pump house and back to the park.
Distance : 18.53km
HR Max : 172bpm
Time : 2:47

2011 Mileage so far:
Run: 20.6km

1 comment:

  1. I'm always stuck on Granny, what do I know about changing gears? :P

    As for choosing the right line, how should I put it? Choose the path of least resistance?

    A big thank you from me for documenting our rides with pictures and prose bro :)
