
Monday, April 30, 2012

Orang Asli Trail Run 2012 Race Report

The Orang Asli Trail Run 2012 happened last Saturday at the Orang Asli Village along Jalan Bentong Lama. With a sold out 150 spot for the run, the turn up was almost full house. I was fortunate to be involved as a volunteer which allowed me to "test the route" before anyone else. Needless to say, the image of the 28 leeches on my feet stayed fresh in my mind - and i believe, many others that knows about it as well.
Family of 5. Marks on my ankle reminds me of their hospitality
Luckily, it hasn't been raining for the past 3 days and that has very much helped controlled the leeches from coming out to hunt. So, it s a big relief to many that are afraid of the crawlies.
Back to the race report. People started coming into the village as early as 7am and the volunteers were already on their feet manning the parking spot outside. This is crucial as the place could not fit in 150 cars (assuming each drive), let alone more than usual guests to this humble village.
I was supposed to lead the second wave of runners but most of the participant went off with the first group rendering only two batches of wave and Dzul ended up as sweeper. It was not a race, but that did not stop the more hardcore from not going full throttle!
Here are photos from the run cum charity event (Selected).
You know you in trouble when someone remember you for removing them from your facebook
Shine can't resist Pat's cuteness
Running Family
Family and always family. :)
Julie the MC
Mohan the Ever Always There Runner
Dannie and Carrie the always running couple
Tok Batin, the Village Elder and Head
One for the Camera!
Doc Yap. Animal Rescuer.
And the way they went!
The Bootcamp people. I should had pushed them eh?
Adidas Kampung for the win!
Some plants...obviously
Milipede..the giant type
How big? My hand for comparison
Pristine river. Ice Cold On Hot Day
scrambling up a steep slope, for fun
Bamboo Forest
Genting Sempah on a good day
Advance Tan. My super senior in RMC
Performances by the Orang Asli. Have to join in the fun!
Flute with nose? bet you can't do it!
Ice Cold Milo from Nestle.
Many people do not know who Kilian Jornet is. If you want to know more, click here
The run was organised with the sole purpose to interact and to help the Orang Asli in a more sustainable way. So, the collection (every sen of it collected) from the race entry and sales of t-shirts during the event goes to them.
We would like to thank the sponsors (Brooks, Nestle, Germax, Excel Chemical and a good Samaritan that has contributed) and all of you that came that made it happened!
See you all next year, have to find a longer and much larger venue around the village to accommodate more people!
Measurement in the profile below is in Miles and Feet (imperial/statute)
Total Distance : +/- 4miles or 6.4km.
I started my Garmin 910xt late, only after leaving the village! Duh!
Elevation Gain : 255m
Time Taken : 1:50
Previously, i came out of the trail recce with 28 bites. On Saturday, i did not have any - or so i thought until i went to take a shower. There was one lonesome fler right at the place i least expected - right at my crotch. To be exact, at the fold of my left leg and my pubic region. It was that close. Thought i share the photo of my bloodied underwear and the bite mark, but i guess that will be too much info ;-) Sorry Pat and Lynn for i flashed at both of you.

Post Update April 30, 2012 1900hours
A fantastic video done by Dr. Yap EH for the run. Please enjoy the short video!


  1. nice pacat - blood drive donations ;)
    wifey tengok pun geli ''''eeee''''

  2. i cannot see the photos. Can you please reuploaded the photos?
