anyway, on for Day 2.
Woke up feeling refreshed, with some *biological* alarm from someone in the room waking us all up. Amir went to take bath, folowed by me and Bandit.
The room aircond was powerful, I recalled fighting with Bandit the whole night for the blanket. I woke up this morning, noticing that Bandit has actually slept diagonally on the bed, with his hairy legs stuck near mine, only thing missing is his arms aren't around me for warmth. We would had made the almost perfect couple. Really.
We all took bath (no, not together) and noticed that it has started to drizzle. The ground was wet. Perhaps it rained the whole night yesterday. I asked the caretaker and he said it has been raining since 4am. Not a good thing.
We went for breakfast, fully sponsored by Bandit, of course (as per the whole days' meal). We made a deal, i paid for the room, Amir paid for the dinner(on day 1) and bandit paid for the food.
We stopped by 7-11 again to get 100plus and mineral water.
We cleaned the room, prepped it up and as we were leaving, the sky opened up again.
I received a call from OP Azudin, asking us if we are a-ok as it's been raining since morning when he left KL. I told him that we are fine, ride will go on no matter what. No support vehicle required and definately we don't need any support vehicle.
At 9.45am, we recieved an SMS from doc that says that the second group has reached Kuala Selangor, a good 60km away, which is technically about 2-3 hours behind us. They left in the morning at about 5.30am, and met up with Kutus KFC (Kutus Fraternity of Cycling) at Sg. Buluh and Peloton to Lumut.
We decided to wait for anohter 15 minutes.
at 10am, with the rain pouring and threaten to flood what is left of Sg. Besar, we left.
Sg. Besar -Sabak Bernam-Hutan Melintang
It rained, and it poured. We were wet by the time we exit the traffic light into the main trunk road (or Route 5, felt like Hotel California...just not Route 66 la...maybe resang the song to Hotel Rose : You can check in anytime you like, but you can always leave???)
Lorry hantu abound again, splashing up those road grime, covering us in more oil from the road. Water displaced by our tyres happily covers our faces. No amount of sunblock/raincoat/biking glasses would help. At one point, visibility was so bad. it was so really bad that visibility was less than 20m. Amir cycled fast, averaging almost 25km/h and me, catching up behind. We were wet, drenched. But nothing hampers our spirit. I could see amir the moment he cycled past 20meters ahead of me. The blinker didn't help, as the visibility was that bad.
By the time we reached Sabak Bernam, we were glad that we didn't cycle and stop here, as the town is dead, nothing compared to Sg. Besar. That was also when we saw the signboard for Lumut. It's a good 78km away. It doesn't make sense...we thought we were like 50km the distance to Lumut from PJ is actually less than 200. But somehow...or rather...we forgot that that distance (sub 200) was taken from Sg. Buluh, not PJ. a good 4 hours ride away...
Amir stop further up front and ensure that we, the slow cyclist are catching up. I stopped, dismounted from my bike, water trickling down my cheek to my chin, dripping slowly away as if it is my own heartbeat.
My glasses were fogged up, the body heat generated was an oxymoron to the cold wet palm and the soaked shoes where my toes were feeling numb from the soaking.
I recalled i shudder a few times whenever a large vehicle zoom past. Not because of the danger, but because of the huge tsunami like wind that it brings along. It's bone biting coldness.
Bandit appeared after 2 minutes, Smiling as usual, not minding the rain a bit.
We reached the vicinity of Hutan Melintang, and the rain slowed down. By then, we couldn't really tell if it is still raining or not, as it doesn't seems to be of any differences.

Bandit telling us it's ok to have some pain in the butt

While me and Amir decided to exchange seats
Hutan Melintang is about 20km away from Teluk Intan. Simpang Empat is the landmark there la, turn left and you'll head to some fishing village where they made those fishballs sold in the market. turn right and you'll head towards Malaysia's Pisa. Go straight, you will end up at Bagan Datok about 20km away, then swim across Sungai Perak (hahahah...we wanted to do that, looking at the map, it's a shorter distance to lumut, really).
The road to Teluk Intan was uneventful. It was straight, boring and guess what? they have ONE lane dedicated to motorbikes, complete with barricades on the right hand side to prevent cars from coming in. Only thing is, the whole portion of that road is filled with stoones and sand, am jsut worried about anohter punture as that won't be very nice, isn't it? I brought 3 spare tubes, out of which, one has already been utilised. I'm jsut praying my luck won't run out with more than 3 puntures.
We cycled for a good 45 minutes or more and we came to the part where we turn off to Lumut. Yes, the magnificent Sg. Perak is just around the corner.
Lumut: Here we come
We turned left at the junction where the trunk road from Bidor meet the trunk road of Teluk Intan. We headed for the 1.3km bridge. Stopped half way for photos...with Sg Perak rushing below us, murky brown. The rain stopped for a moment when we were there. Bandit reached the peak of the bridge soon after and more pictures were taken (yes, i'm waiting to get it from Amir). We stopped for a good 5 minutes before rolling downhill towards the road to Lumut.

Sg Perak...swelled up because of the rain since 4am today...check out the sky's condition

River on one side, oil palm on the other
By then, it was already 1pm. Hungry, wet, dirty. We looked as if we just fell into some sewage treatment plant, nevermind the smell, we grew accustomed to it.
The sight of the BP station after the bridge was a blessiing. With Amir complaining about air entering his tummy if he don't eat soon...we decided to stop for a quick break. it is about 60 more km to go before Lumut. Long way. Right before we reach the BP station....we saw, from behind us, the rain, chasing down the, afterall, it is a good idea to stop..and rest.
Amir went into the BP shop, dripping with sweat and water from his almost 6 foot frame. No bread. No nothing to eat. So, he ended up buying the local version of M&Ms, called Nips.
He bought one pack...and gobbled it all down.

I bought 3 buns. ate it like i never ate before (and those buns suck, those that stick to the ceiling of your mouth, threatening to choke you if you don't chew them, or chew on them too much.

Amir going for his second pack of NIBS.
Bandit was the hero, he bought one bun, and one pack of twisties...and made twisties bun... hehehe...

Bandit...doing some cleaning up
We ate and we adjusted the bikes, Amir returned the super comfy seat to me as he say that the seat were slowing him down (i had a pannier tied to the seat..hence the extra weight) and i returned to him the ultra hard seat that my butt rested on for the previous 20km.
We headed off towards lumut, rain stopped for the time being.
Down the road, about 10km later, we reached the paddy field. great view. The signboard said we were 48km to Pangkor and 39km to Lumut. Now, is there a road to Pangkor which warrant it to be listed as 48km to Pangkor?????

The signboard, with Route 5 signage all over

the view, so peaceful!!!!
We stopped for pictures again.Bandit, running 5 minutes late, only to come with a bottle of Air Nira (fermented coconut sap).
The 500ml bottle were ice cold, the humidity after the rain was really bad and as he opened the bottle of Air Nira...PSSSSTttt.... there were gasses!!!!
we made our way towards sitiawan.
Futher down the road, we came across a place right beside Sg Perak. It has a few boats on dry land. Next to the boat were one warung. Complete with karaoke. KARAOKE???
The next few pics would actually speaks volume of what transpired there.

M&W Sarsi, anyone?

Lunch...simple...fried chicken and kicap manis...

watcha looking at buggers???

It looked as if someone is getting amrried, no? Those coloured bottles are actually locally made carbonated soft drinks...


Move over Red come Warung Parit German!!!!

Amir on Karaoke, me on ENT prescribed aid for Karaoke overdose...

Bandit was next, heavy stomach requires extreme singing position

Catching up on news with the Warung Owner

guilty as charged as well...
After lunch. We cycled the last final 20km to Lumut.
It was such huge relief that the signboard says we are 15km to Lumut, and 5km to Manjung.

Bandit, showing us the way
That was when OP Nordin flagged me down in his Unser with his family...
We thought he was there to bail us out.
Turned out, after he left, i had a punture...darn!!!
The sky threaten to open up again and it did as i finished changing yet anohter tube. This time, the front tyre became the victim. 10km more to LUmut and i had a punture, it is as if it's some sort of test.
NEvermind, i have one more spare with me, and come, what, may.
It was pouring as we touched the last final KM to Lumut.
Drenched, excited, tired and euphoria all rolled into one. We touched Orient Star at Lumut sharp at 4.30pm.
What joy. Sense of acheivement. Since the meter showed we were 2 km short of 220km, we decided to cycle around until it touches 220km, in the rain, might as well!
We checked into Titi Panjang, our Navy friends in Lumut arranged for the apartment right opposite the Kastam's office. It felt good to be able to go home to something as comfortable as this.
Later that night, there were teh BBQ which were attended by the Chief of Navy, which also happens to be an OP. The Camp Commander is also an OP. So is the CO of the camp. Basically, this place is infested not only with Navy guys and girls, but with Old Putera. It felt like home, really.
We found out later from the KFCs that they reached Lumut by 6.30pm.
Doc and the rest was taking their sweet time. Doc fell at Sg. Buluh and had to get himself to Tg Karang Hospital for medical attention (his excuse to check his nurses out). They had 2 flats as well, rode in the rain as well and was enjoying every single bit of it. In his words, it's MADNESS, but BEST GILER!
Enjoy the rest of the pictures, as it does tell a thousand words.

The hero that does PJ-Lumut in one day, arriving at 0030 hours

I had to be in the pics as well...and tada...the whole Basikal gang...

Amir showing how some Thai massage should be done on Bandit.

Doc later show him how it is done properly on Bandit
It rained the whole night thereafter, we watched WWF until we all fell asleep. The 2 babes took a room for themselves, hiding under the sheets, as the comforters are out in the living room as you can see in some pictures above.
Day 3
Steve took one room by himself, as no one wanted to sleep with a snoring canadian bear.
Zabil sorta make popiah using one of the comforter...and that left me, doc and azmar sharing one comforter.
It was cold. Fan were swtiched off, doors were closed and windows were shut, but we were cold, it seems like some thunderstorm happened out there.
I recalled, in the middle of the night, Azmar woke up and took the curtains...and double it up as blanket!

Ordinary looking curtains

multi usage (no, we are not trying to show you some bad porns here


and this is what happened when you let boys becoming boys....
BY the way, Bandit huddle up to me again...guessed i emit enough warmth to keep us both cosy eh?
Later, we were brought to KD Duyong, the Navy Dive centre for some demonstatrion. The Navy guys showed us how underwater welding was done. But the most impressive moments were when the Navy climbed up the rope using their kidding...see this to believe...they made it looked too easy!

The platform were 10m high

Our Navy Boys...I salute you all!

Adilah and Karoline infront of KD Lekiu, the RMN's Battle Frigate

Onboard MV Fajar Samudera, the Navy's Training Ship. Behind us is the Magnificent KD Indera Sakti

On the Ship's Stern, awaiting lunch to be served

such huge ship creating waves, we were cruising at 10knots (circa 20km/h) around Pangkor

Me, My sis and her good friend, infront of KD Lekiu

The return journey on the Army's 3 felt good to be Boy again.

Bandit, entertaining us all in the 3 Tonner, moving at about 120km/h

Me again, passing the scenic peaceful looking paddy took us almost 3 hours from here to lumut, but less than 30 minutes to here by this truck

Mr. Hyper finally went to sleep inside the moving truck
It was such a fun trip for all of us. Steve and Zabil took the hard way back, they cycled, one to Ipoh (steve) and Zabil to Sabak Bernam. Ironman material!
Azmar took the bus back, as he had to rush to his buddy's wedding. He sms-ed me half way and told me that he should had taken the ride with us, as the express bus he was on, well, it was so fast, that it only reached Behrang after 3 hours.....
I'll definately do this again, though most of the people would think and agree with us that this is stupid. But it is stupidity at it's best, hence, that double the fun!
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