I was down at Kluang on Sunday with wifey. I have to take a drive down to Kahang to issue a "Permit To Work" to my engineers at site.
Wifey was there to accompany me as i did not have enough of rest the same morning. Nadia was down with fever and she was cranky. We left at 5am in the morning, leaving the kids with my mum in law which we picked over to help out with.
The work was uneventful, except that it reminded me
2 years ago when i rode into the National Park via Kahang (to Kampung Peta).
After the permit issuing, we drove back to Kluang town as Barath brought me to the original Kluang Station - just that it is not called Kluang Station like they do in KL.
Infact to equate the kopitiam that sits right next to the railway line in Kluang to Kluang Station is an insult to the original establishment.
First thing i noticed at the kopitiam (known as Kluang Rail Coffee) is that sittings are really limited - but that is due to the large crowd!
Original conditionWe shared a table with 4 travellers "on transit" at the station. I could see from their sign language that they are really enjoying their meals (they are deaf/mute).
Second thing i noticed is that the coffee/drink maker is a chinese man in his early 40s.
We ordered all the toast available and they all comes with the homemade kaya and a slice of butter. They did not skim on both the ingredient.
Sinful DelightsProud to say that the eggs used to make these kaya comes from Barath's farm!
I had a sip of the famous coffee and it was an
OMG experience.
Never had i tasted coffee so rich and so fragrant that smelling it was as good as drinking it. You know how coffee are, they can smell great, but they taste less than desirable. The coffee from this place is not just your Aik Cheong or your Sin Sing or any of those local coffee mixture.
Pic does not do justiceThey do have the usual stuff like Nasi Lemak (wrapped in newspaper - 70sen each), Penyet (local kuih - also 70sen) and mee siam (70sen each too!)
It was worth the money and it is really really an "uplifting" and "shaking" experience. You see, this place is literally next to the railway line. When the train comes-a-calling, the whole platform shakes and rumble. It gives a whole new meaning to authenticity of KLUANG Station - something the chains of kopitiam in klang valley would not be able to come close, or even match.
Me and wifey then bulk purchased some coffee powder and kaya to bring back (and to make).
500grams (RM10) of satisfying stimulantsAfter that, we left the station for the next compulsory things to do.
Visit Barath's farm.
This is my first experience in a chicken farm that produces eggs. It was kinda exciting.
Unfortunately, i won't be eleborating much on it as i believe Barath would appreciate a certain degree of privacy with regards to how he run his farms.
In that short hour, i've learnt so much about the business and the amount of hardwork he and his brother put in to cut down on cost and to make things more profitable for them.
The literally build and repair the coup and farm themselves! How's that for inspiration?
We were also lucky as he just bought thousands of day old chics and i get to rekindle my childhood memories when my granma used to buy these chics to be fed and later to end up on the dining table.
staying warmI was also told that you can determine the sex of the chic by just controlling the incubation temperature. That's like playing God!
But of course, for the chicken to rear eggs, they got to be female chicken, ain't it? So, these chics you see above and in the farms are all female.
Talk about estrogen overrun.
Where got heart to serve on table as dinner?We were also shown the automated feeding system, the automated eggs grading machine, the home build ventilation cum natural air conditoning system and how they prevent the chicken from pecking and breaking the eggs they laid.
We were also told that the chicken typically takes 28hours to produce an egg. So, don't go waste that egg you see, that's bloody 28 hours to produce!
And the best of all, we were shown the "pondan" chicken.
Well, shit happens.
This pondan chicken is actually a chicken that resemble a female chicken, but has larger combs that usual and if you are a chicken expert like Barath, could just feel the distance between the pelvic done to know if the chicken is male or female. In short, this Pondan gets to be pampered and gets to eat for free and don't need to lay any eggs.
He is the most "man" in the whole coup la, so to say.
We were also introduced to two dogs. Both a rott.
Both scary and big.

I'm not gonna mess with a dog where even the owner think twice about patting ok?
We left the farm with 30 A and AA eggs (each). It has been some time since i've seen AA graded eggs. They are huge and obscenely fresh (literally within the hour of laying)
It is no surpise that breakfast yesterday morning was egg sandwiches - i've added in tuna for more protien.
It was a really good experience. Thank You Barath for the site-seeing and great company!