Box to collect fund for Anti Smoking Campaign
Wifey was down with food poisoning on Wednesday and only recovered fully on Thursday.
Then it was my turn come Friday. And i was immobile until Sunday.
Not sure what causes it but i guess sharing a bottle of water when one is sick isn't a very good idea. The carer ended up being taken cared of. Now flustered and worried over the coming PD triathlon race, which i had no cardio training for the past 1 week except to walk/run to my car when the parking expire near the office (MBPJ are highly efficient here, late 5 minutes and you are slapped with a bad ass summon).
Anyway, went over to Nomad to return the North Face T-shirt and was told By Wye Yim and Pip that Ashley's team wrote about Eco-X and was published in the Star. Well done babes. I couldn't had written it any better.
Now, which brings me back to think, why didn't i send in the article in the first place to be published?
Anyway, here is a photo-capture of the article, the clearer nicer high resolution writting could be obtained online here or you better hope your mother at home didn't use last Saturday's paper to wrap the morning glory (Kangkung la!) that she bought from the market yesterday!

Saturday Star...Team Sweet Endorphin's write-ups

Page 2 of the article
I then received an SMS from Zabil that there was the article in the Star as per what Wye Yim said.
Gladly called up Budin, Doc and Bandit to inform them to get hold of Saturday's Star.
So, here it is, incase they didn't get to see it:

Budin on far left. Bandit smack in the middle, obviously the only one smiling for the camera...must be training from Explorace

Yuen Li helping some participant clearing a portion at the river. Her excuse to get down and dirty.

Doc (with back facing camera) and Ming hanging for dear life behind the 4Wd driven by Pip after they've decided they had enough for the day, Azmar was on the other side of the 4WD, hidden
The following pics were courtesy of Dr. Amir which came and accompany us pain seeker over the weekend.

much better, Ming and Azmar in sight..

Mark, Dilah and Terence waiting for their raft to arrive.

While Doc, Azmar and Ming sat down under the tree looking pretty

Well, doc are definately pretty...no doubt!

Karo, Zabil and Bean hiding under the tree for some free SPF protection

3B on the way to rafting - still had time to stop and pose by the road, we know, we are that good looking.

reached the CP for rafting...

waiting for raft at the river

overly bored, Steve decided to beach himself

3B finished the race....ahead of the last female team!!! (Team Sweet Endorphin) And we did not suffer any injuries or leech bites!

Handling over the passport to race official...

Chopped, sign and verified passport of the 3B - the only team in LnE that legally and rightfully finished the race, 3 Blind Mice was DQ because of their raft incident..sigh...

Dilah, Mark and Terence finishing the race unranked...Mark was unfortunate as he had cramps..all over

Am still pretty bald at that point of time...but nevertheless, still unshamefully whoring the cam
Sunday ended with a short trip to Bangsar's pasar malam where i met an old friend, Sharon Anne Paul, which are currently lecturing in the International College of Music. By the way, this lass wrote and arranged music pieces for eading local artistes including Dayang Nurfaizah, Amy Mastura, Siti Nurhaliza, Naufara and many others. She has composed music for television commercials and background music for movies and radio in the United States. She has also developed the "Frenetic" expansion card for Alesis QS Series Keyboard and DM Pro.
Saw her in the TV2 program O-Mulala and had clippings of her interview in my phone. LOL...
And so...here is the parting pic for today.

yes of course...Anti Smoking indeed...
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