If you are reading this now, this would meant that this blog is still in existence after that many years. Papa is at work now while composing you this letter. It is raining heavily and as usual, Papa is multitasking at work.
Contarary to what your mum would say, Papa CAN multitask. He has like 8 windows opened in his laptop now. In case you are wondering what a laptop is, it is essentially a computer, roughly about an inch thick and about 14 inch length by 10 inch wide which in 2008, we uses it as a computer. I bet these would be obsolete by the time you knows what a computer is.
Papa is finding time to write to you amongst preparing data for 2 different reports, checking the work schedule for Papa's colleagues, solving issues which was left by Papa's ex-manager, adding one OP into the E-list and surfing Uncle Tey's blog for more of Papa's pictures.
As you can see, your Papa is pretty good looking.

Jumping with joy anticipating your arrival
And now, you most probably knows where you get your good look from. Don't be shy, it's ok to admit it. Really.
At the time of writing, you would had known that we all are going to shift into a new house in 2 weeks time. Loads of work has been done, being led by your mum and your Aunt. Since January 2008, loads of work has been done and at the current moment in time, the house is at 90% completion. The electric gate just went in as i'm typing this!
There is a lot to do to make sure that you and your brother has the best that mummy and papa could offer. This including making sure that both of you gets all the education you both need to be someone useful in the society. We only wish for the best for both of you.
As you would know, mummy operates a boutique with 2 other beautiful auntie. I'm not entirely sure if they will still have the business when you grow up later. The business currently are doing well despite all the competition they faces. However, if the business is still under their jurisdiction, you will, together with Maira, have a field day trying out the clothes and perhaps even inheriting the business!
I know, that is a little far fetched. Papa knows that you perhaps want to be a fighter plane pilot or even become a profesional triathelete like Auntie Kimbeley. Whatever it is, Papa and Mummy's hope is that you grow up to be someone everyone will be proud off.
And by that, i don't meant that you will rule the triads ok.
It will be 2 more weeks before Papa gets to see you via Prof Raman's ultrasound machine, until then, make sure you be good, stay good and most importantly, keep kicking inside Mummy's womb as that is the only sure communication that Papa and Mummy gets from you.
And of course, don't kick too hard ok!
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