My Iron horse.

Penguin - 6 checking in, looking chirpy.

Bean Checking in

Bacin Ketiak

Azmar Chucks

Too sexy for ourselves.

Team SuperSocks reunited

Too early for jokes dudes...

Jason the Runner with moi

Bean first to come in from first 10km run

Followed by Rosman and Steve -they ran too fast, camera can't catch them

Then Zabil

Then Bacin

Then Me..struggling

Steve Out on Bike

Chucks back from bike

Me back from bike...almost died(but gotta smile for camera...)

Putting on ointment before my thighs freezes up...

Have banana can run, not...

Zabil came in, then Steve

Followed by Bean

Then POWERGIRL Ashley - she won the woman 20-29 and she didn't even know it!

Then Bacin

Then me

Followed by Chucks

Light And Easy Gang with Uncle Rahim Super in the middle

Then the rest started to goof around, flexing muscle much to the amusement of an auntie sitting across the tent...
All in all...it was a good race...report coming up.
in order of finishing(L&E):
Zabil, Steve, Bean, Bacin, Rosman, Stupe, Azmar, Adilah.
Aileen request for a bottle of sunscreen the next time she had to stand out in the hot sun to capture the piccies. ;-)
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