OP Adventure Team




Bandit busy clowning while Budin highlight the map

Super Adilah

Karo in Pink all over!

Sharing is caring

In memories of my pink gloves

Jail Breaker Average Joes

Jigsaw puzzle takes it's toll on Zabil and gang

Doc studying for his exam.

Stephanie looking serious...

Steve "i'm tired"

Azah the Superwoman

The Kucing Meow babes!

Doc winding up the competition.

Our standard pose

Bean...in his usual mood :D

Don't mess with the pig!

The most good looking all men's team.

While Mix Team 1 size up the other competitors.

The "Orang Kampung" doing YMCA, or so it seems...

Me and Levin...he rocks!

"We will whip your sorry ass guys!!!" Zabil sizes up the other competitors.

Position 45 in Chapter 3...

Race start...last moment of clowning around...

Doc and team at Berjaya

Finally at Berjaya

While waiting for Budin...

...we decided to size up ourselves...

Zabil and Team - from 3rd to 6th position, salah siapa!?

Doc and team at 7th

SSS - Ben, Lee and Vicky in 8th Position

OP Adventure Signature Finish.

Budin & Bandit after Race and ...

...us pretending to be champ...
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