They say a picture tells a thousand words. Here it is, a couple of hundred thousands words.

It started as a dream

I used up any resources i could find

I then had my medical done. Weigh was 73kg, height 172cm

Registered and now, I was an IronMan hopeful

U-Turn an option? I don't think so!

Reminder of what was to come in the evening

And this would be the best sight at the end of the day

Each bag denotes a transition and a reminder of the distance

Going to test the bike and bike route, with Doc, 2 time IronMan

Getting some tips from World Champ

With the monkeys up LISRAM highway

Reminder of why i am in Langkawi for

Practising Aero position

Iron(wo)Man Senn, second IM race for her


Best training partner with best bike

IronMan comes Saturday???

Another reminder why i was there

Speed weapondry all ready

My Dream on World Champ's Slice

Lord Monkey and his disicple

With Azmar - single, available, strong and definately a finisher

With Number One Water Boy, Bandit

IM 09 candidate. Budin and Bandit

3rd row from the tent - my bike awaits me; if i ever finish the swim, that is

Given by wifey, she will be in my head on race day

How the Pros does it

Calm before the storm

Branding it like a cow

Trying hard not to be nervous

With Jun Shen, youngest participant. For a moment, my smile looked like that Malaysian Astronaut, no?


I was estatic when i came out from the water...

So happy that i have 2 series of photo here

Might not meant a lot to others, but that 3.8km swim was my longest ever distance!

Pretending to hitchhike for the next 120km

At the Tanjung Rhu's u-turn

Caught up with Shazly after 120km

After 175km, i'm ALRIGHT!

Going strong after 20km

Got to stop for a while to cheer Jun Shen on. He is young and full of potentials

Trademark smile and thumbs up??? I don't look like i just swam and cycled the IM distance, don't i?

Thanks to Nike for the nipple bleeding

Cam Whore!

I could cry...i tell you...!

Yes, i did it.
Will i do it again?
Yes. But i'msecretly hoping that i would be sponsored for the race next year.
See you all in KL Marathon on the 30th March 2008!

It started as a dream

I used up any resources i could find

I then had my medical done. Weigh was 73kg, height 172cm

Registered and now, I was an IronMan hopeful

U-Turn an option? I don't think so!

Reminder of what was to come in the evening

And this would be the best sight at the end of the day

Each bag denotes a transition and a reminder of the distance

Going to test the bike and bike route, with Doc, 2 time IronMan

Getting some tips from World Champ

With the monkeys up LISRAM highway

Reminder of why i am in Langkawi for

Practising Aero position

Iron(wo)Man Senn, second IM race for her


Best training partner with best bike

IronMan comes Saturday???

Another reminder why i was there

Speed weapondry all ready

My Dream on World Champ's Slice

Lord Monkey and his disicple

With Azmar - single, available, strong and definately a finisher

With Number One Water Boy, Bandit

IM 09 candidate. Budin and Bandit

3rd row from the tent - my bike awaits me; if i ever finish the swim, that is

Given by wifey, she will be in my head on race day

How the Pros does it

Calm before the storm

Branding it like a cow

Trying hard not to be nervous

With Jun Shen, youngest participant. For a moment, my smile looked like that Malaysian Astronaut, no?


I was estatic when i came out from the water...

So happy that i have 2 series of photo here

Might not meant a lot to others, but that 3.8km swim was my longest ever distance!

Pretending to hitchhike for the next 120km

At the Tanjung Rhu's u-turn

Caught up with Shazly after 120km

After 175km, i'm ALRIGHT!

Going strong after 20km

Got to stop for a while to cheer Jun Shen on. He is young and full of potentials

Trademark smile and thumbs up??? I don't look like i just swam and cycled the IM distance, don't i?

Thanks to Nike for the nipple bleeding

Cam Whore!

I could cry...i tell you...!

Yes, i did it.
Will i do it again?
Yes. But i'm
See you all in KL Marathon on the 30th March 2008!