Well, that was what it was intended for. The first league from MTDC to Bagan Lalang was done in a good 1:32, averaging about 31.5km/h.
Adzim IronMan leads the pack constantly in his new P3C. Blasting away at nothing less than 35km/h on the flat and close to 60km/h on the downhill. Pulling along him was Shazly, Bacin, Dicky, Azmar, Sheikh and Suffian.
I was struggling. As usual.

Seriously, i was struggling

They were cruising

And smiling
I finished the ride in a total time of 3:44 and total time of 3:51. The 10 minuets being me tuning the RD to shift properly.
The return journey took me longer because i've bonked.

The stats
If there is any consolation for that day, it would be my own personal weight lost.
On April 21st this year, during the Space Race, i weight in at 80.7kg in light weight racing clothes.
On December 2nd, i weight 74.7kg.
Bodyfat level went from 21.4% to 20.2%.

Before any of you think i'm some aneroxic wannabe, rest assure that losing 6kg over 7 months is nothing to should about. Some i know had lost more than this.
My only wish is that the weight lost comes with better fitness, as believe it or not, my resting heartrate went from a low 48bpm before i joined this company to a high 72bpm 3 months after.
Slowly, i'm regaining, and hope to regain the low resting heart rate (and that means good fitness level) by doing those 4.30am runs with Shazly.
And my latest effort to lose more weight?
How about going "Number 0" crew cut on the back and side?
Yeah, perhaps i'll lose an extra 400grams.

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