That is as old as me.

The place has since went under heavy renovations. Water and sewerage pipes and fittings were completely stripped. Electrical wirings changed and added. Tiles removed and even the staircase were torn down and rebuilt.

We even have the roof tiles removed so we could add in more wooden batten to increase the security. Even the kitchen wasn't spared when we backfilled it up to almost 2 feet to the same level as the living hall.

The old extended wall in the kitchen was threatening to separate from the main building due to settlement and "cut cost" construction back then. We had to rectify it by building a new wall and replacing the asbestos roof sheets with proper roof tiles.

In case of drought, we even replaced the 150 gallon polytank with 2 units of 250 gallon polytanks for those potentially dry day. I know it's being kiasu. It is still better than not having water to flush, or drink.

Slowly but surely, as time progress, with the help of my sister in law and a trusted friend as the contractor (which i must say, they does a really good job), the house is slowly turning into a potential home.

We managed to save some money to put into more important things. We managed to resist the tempatation to go with some other contractors which will be slightly cheaper. We do not want to be "penny wise, pounnd foolish".

We were planning to move in once everything is in place. Before Ah Girl comes. It should be somewhere in April.
The work progress is really good at the moment. We got most of the minor details sorted out. What is left is putting all the pieces together from now on.

Whatever it is...i know for a fact that this will definately a place i would call home in the very near future.

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