This year Siemens run took another twist for myself. I did not run. It was my first official duty as a photographer. I got much to improve and an opportunity such as these are hard to come by, and let go.
I signed both Wifey and my sister, Ee-Svun up for the run. This is their second 10km run. Again, no training. I am feeling very bad and guilty for putting them through these sans training.
However, i always believe in will power, and i know that wifey has more than just that and sis, by virtue of being my sister, will have more or less the same amount of will power as i am.
The atmosphere in the morning at 6.30am was great. The MC for the day, an official from FTAAA were already warming up with the participants. Way to go!
The reporting gate opened by 6.45am and in goes all the runners one by one. It is certainly different to be at a race, but not racing.
At 7.15am, the CEO of Siemens reached and by 7.25am, Dato' Bandar was already at the rostrum to gun off the race!
You can see the determination on the races of the front runner.
I put myself right in the middle of the run to get the picture above. It was only on a 105mm lens and the effect you saw are very much what i did with Ryan's pic previously. I would say (yes, pardon me for saying) - GOOD PIC!
OK, self praise is no praise.
On with the race.
Siemens Run was sponsored by Siemens and they uses this run to give back to a few charity organisation. It was jointly organised by TwentyFirst Century - which is a local outfit that organises a lot of races. They have been under the cover for a while and keeping a low profile.
Seriously, after my exploits with Xterra Malaysia, i begin to appreciate the amount of work that goes into every races i entered - well with exception of TWO races that was just badly organised (one in Gopeng by the local council, and the other one, is well, SCKLM 09!).
This Siemens run is not even an international event. It does not carry big names except Siemens. It was just superbly executed.
Race kit collection? No waiting time. They even delivered the stuff to you for a measly fee that will not even cover your petrol and time to town.
Water station? No problem! Wifey reported she passed at least F-I-V-E station. That is enough water to drench yourself silly.
Race atmosphere? Check out what the organiser placed at the final 2 km to Dataran.
The above are just some of the atmosphere i wanted to show. There were more at Dataran but my duty was to walk/run/crawl and shoot Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman from Sogo to Dataran.
The whole road was filled with festivities and drumming was non stop the whole 2 hours of the race! The Dataran saw VI band (yay!) playing and flags display to accompany the band (i saw from far, but can't run fast enough to capture any).
There were also carnival like atmosphere where there is a dunking machine, an airfiled castle for kids and of course, the compulsory MILO!
After 27 minutes of the race start, the first runner was already at 1km to finish line. I supposed he might had finished it within 30 minutes.
First official "action" shot turned out alright - oh well, except i snapped the tong sampah behind him as well - DUH!
MUCH better
From then onwards, i was very aware of my surrounding and tried to ensure i was able to capture a proper sports photo. Those that people WILL BUY.
But with my measly gears...lets just practice on shooting for now la.
I am also extremely proud of wifey and sis. The ran their first 10km during SCKLM and finished it in 1:35. This time, with a more challenging hilly route (double hill partly and behind National Monument), they ace-d it with their Personal Best of 1:25!
Great improvement!
Teng, a friend, managed to better his PB by 2 minutes despite an injured knee. I shalt not show his pic here, he might sue me for that.
All in all, Siemens run was great. Everything was in place, including the cleaner cleaning up Dataran Merdeka immediately after the race! The CEO stayed until almost everyone went back and the guys and girls at TwentyFirst Century ensured that everyone went back happy!
The host of sponsors make sure that everyone that paid RM10 went back with goody bag worth at least RM50! Now, that is what i call a RACE!
Congrats to all that posted their PB and finished their first 10km. You guys and girls were the hero. It takes loads of encouragements and loads of will power to even walk the 10km if you are the first timer. I salute you all!
ps - to the photographers i met but did not say hi, sorry ya, i kinda shy to all this!
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