Marathon is 42km run (but if you are kiasu like some neighbours, it is 42.195km).
The event was named after the fabled run of the Greek soldier Pheidippides, a messenger from the Battle of Marathon to Athens. The historical accuracy of this legend is in doubt.
Just like IronMan, doing a triathlon doesn't meant that you are an IronMan. You are only an IronMan if you Swim 3.8km, Bike 180.2km and run 42.195km back to back within the cut off time. Anything less than that is just a branding. But of course, in this overly commercialised world, we get the HALF IronMan, and infact for the first time in IronMan history in Langkawi, 2010, the organiser even allowed RELAY IRONMAN!
Do we now call them IronMan Swimmer/Bike/Runner???
Wifey and Sis competed in the SCKLM last Sunday in the 10km category. They did not run a marathon. All they did was just 10km. But to them, the 10km is an exertion and a test for their own physical self.
Both has not and never ran more than 5km in the past 6 months. Both has not trained (i am guilty on wifey's part, my sis just ask my dad to pick her up when she walks to the mamak).
So, for them both to complete the 10km run for the first time in their life in 90 minutes, i would say it was an achievement of sort.
So, well done to both of you! You made me proud!

For all of you that heard about this race last Sunday. Just let me put it this way.
It was a total dis-organisation. It was almost a disaster.
Why is that?
The race weekend started on Friday for race kit collection.
The system were down. The electricity trip. The people at the counter wasn't ready. it rained. Then it became hot. Then they allow SC staffs to cut line. Then they misplaced runners' bib. Then, some of us, had to line up for at least 1hour on the average (i know at least 5 people that lined up for almost 2 hours).
They then went "manual". Organiser told the volunteers to give out numbers/bib to "cut the queue", resulting in more runners' bib being assigned to others. Resulting in more runners without bib.
Then they were told to return after 5.30pm Saturday - 30minutes after the registration officially closes.
Then, on Saturday morning at 0034hours, while i was doing some work, i received an email from the organiser informing everyone that there are still 5000bibs yet to be taken and they request that everyone come from 11am onwards.
The webpage stated 10am-5pm Saturday.
Now, who will check their email at 1am in the morning? Who check first thing in the morning if it is not a working day? How many have CrapBerry device?
UltraYip sms-ed me in the morning, i told him that it only opens at 11am.
"nola, the people taruk them to open at 10 already".
See what i meant?
So, given that Saturday's race kit collection went smoothly, everyone was ready to bury the hatchet, well, almost, until Sunday comes.
Sparing everyone the horrid details, basically, the run has all the element that "if something were to go wrong, it will".
It was the organiser's lucky star that saved their ownself.
Water ran out after 4hours 30 minutes from race start (Marathon runner started at 5am), meaning anyone that did marathon longer than 4:30 would not have water anymore.
Sweeper buses were seen picking up VOLUNTEERS up at 9.30am. Water ran out at KLCC as early as 9am.
Road were then opened at 11am.
Race official but two, left at 11am.
St John left at 11.30am.
Timing Chip fler removed their detector at 11.30am.
Finisher Shirts and Medal for 42km ran out at 11.30am.
Runners were still coming in at 12.30pm.
Race site closed at 1.00pm.
Last runner walked in dazed at 1.30pm.
Race book stated RACE CLOSED OFF AT 3PM!
Then, someone fired the first salvo at the SCKLM Facebook page.
Octagon & StanChart said nothing. No official statement.
Some statement were made, but it irked more people.
"50,000liters of water was provided".
"We are trying to find out what happened"
And today, i was not allowed to post in their page anymore.
You know what was the limit point for everyone?
We found out that the organiser for the 2008 Beijing Marathon was done by the same organiser and if you do read the comments, i don't blame you if you think this year's comment was an extension from last year from a different country!
Same Issues. Same Problem. Same Name.
I suggest to all of you that is reading this to just boycott next year's SCKLM.
No one is standing up to admit their fault. My take will be, if the event did goes well, StanChart WILL definately ride in the fame. But the event went so badly...NO ONE owns up!
Not even the PR company!
Nevermind la. Afterall, the MOU has been signed. SC and Octagon will afterall run this race for the next 9 years to come. MAAU will get back RM5Mill for "sports development", Malaysians are very forgiveable. "Tidak Apa". Semua Baik. No Problem.
This is one race i will stay far away if Octagon is still organising the race.
By the way, Octagon is a multinational company with 4 decades of experience of organising races and events world wide.
And they were sorely beaten by a motley crew of 12 that organised Xterra Malaysia.
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