Time: 0700-0400
Venue: KLCC Convention Centre Both East and West Wing
I was at KLCC East Wing by 8.30 with my batchmate TJ Liaw. He was sweet enough to drive me there. Having to wear long sleeves and tie ONLY like 2 or 3 times a year, i take great pride in ensuring that what i wore was tip top. That include ironing the shirt and pants like *i lost count* times.
Familiar faces greeted us when we came out of the lift. OP Habibur, OP Mike Tan and OP Tajuddin was there and we exchanged handshake, as per usual. OPs(Old Puteras) started trickling in and the usual suspect could be seen walking down the KLCC's,CC's long hall. It took me a good 5 minutes to walk from end to end.
The AGM was attended by close to 115 OPs, with some coming about 2 hours later because they got lost in KL City. Either that or they are busy oogling at the Twin Tower outside the foyer of KLCC's CC.
OP President, Tan Sri Halim chaired the AGM and all matters regarding the activities and happening of the Association was tabled and was opened for discussion.
The new committee were reintroduced, with OP Habibur being President for the next term, OP Mike tan taking over OP Habibur's place as Hon. Secretary 1, OP Razak as Treasurer and OP Aziz as the new commitee member replacing OP Khairil that did not seek reelection.
Matters solved and trashed out without anyone sustaining injuries or invoking any casulties.
I shalt leave the AGM as where it is, as i believe the report and pictures shalt be published soon for all's knowledge and reading.
Soon after the AGM, OPs involved in the Dinner's entertainment was seen running to the other wing. No wonder that most of us are fit, it wasn't an easy task to juggle a few things at hand, moreover to run and answer phone while telling the other person at the other end what to do.
This is also the first time that OPA had a rehearsal in the KLCC,CC's banquet hall. It was huge, enough space for a junior to be asked to do forward roll around the tables. The OTD(Okestra Tentera Darat) was all prepared and was seen rehearsing with a few singers. OP Asfani, OP Idle Winner, just finished singing his song. I went on to see OP Basar, as i promised him i'll help him out being his ftigue boy for the dinner.
I went back home, feeling good, that all things are in good hand of the organising comittee.
I looked at my just freshly ironed blue long sleeve shirt with pride, together with the green Exco blazer that was fresh out from the RMC's tailor. I could finally fit back into my suit pants that i made when i was 19 years old. That shows that i'm in better shape compared to when i was 19, as the pants was loose as well!
A quick check to make sure all things were there. My name tag, the OPA tie, a Pen and the night's program and itineries.
Driving to KLCCCC was a breeze because i left at 6pm. There wasn't any traffic and as per usual, me and TJ has checked out the proper parking place, as to ensure that we won't get lost when we come for the dinner later. To get to the East Wing of the KLCCCC, park at level P1, look for the pillars with Seahorse picture and you are almost guranteed to be there in one lift ride.
The hall was filled with activities. Usual faces greeted me and missus and i went on to look for OP Basar, which then pass me a set of walkie talkie with headset ala secret agent style.

Aileen, Rose and Mike before dinner
I then exchanged pleasantries with a few OPs and proceeded to finalise the final night program.
1900 hours
OPs and guest strated trickling into the hallway. Drinks were served and titbits were aplenty. Batches were supposed to be gathering under the banner of their intakes, however, because most OPs are so excited about seeing their friends, seniors, juniors and jambus, those were much forgotten. Familiar faces abound and more names were put into faces. Most of us heard and known of each other through the common email group and through the reputation as per told by seniors and juniors (and of course, jambus). The hall turned into a very very noisy place, with loads of activities going on.
Some were seen checking out the souviners that was being sold by Araf Vektor, which also include a *goodie bag* package of all the items on sale at a fraction of the price. Some were busy checking their registration and table numbers and most were just minggling and catching up on good old days.
The guest artise, Ms. Hannah Tan, came soon after and was placed with Aileen and some OPs to keep her company.

Aileen and Hannah Tan
1945 hours
VIPs started coming in. The President of SAHOCA, MCOBA, TKCOGA and VIOBA came and was led to the holding area. It wasn't until 2000 that the guest of honour, Tun Ling Liong Sik and Toh Puan Ena Ling came. As per OP spirit, OP Ling shoke hand with everyone while being led from the entrance of the hall to the holding room. I informed OP Basar that OP Ling came via the talkie.
OP Mike ushered OP Ling into the room while i went looking for Tan Sri Halim, the outgoing president. I've also found Dato' Md Rabi, the VP for OPA waiting for OP Halim to go into the holding room. Only one more VIP to arrive, Dato' Seri Radzi, which later called to say he can't make it due to some emergency appointment.
2010 hours
By this time, i ahd to get the 4 trumpeters ready outside near the entrance. A quick check has me finding them in the room getting ready. When it comes to military personnel, it only takes me to explain once to them what they should do. They totally understood my instruction to be at their RV point and by 2015, to blow their trumpet(no pun intended) to signal to the fellow OPs to move into the banquet hall.
It took some coaxing from the floor manager and also fellow exco on duty to persuade the OPs to get into the hall everytime. I recalled once, when the DYMM Agong came for our dinner, the OPs was still busy chatting and catching up, oblivious to the presence of our King! The last announcement was made at 2022 Hours.
2022 hours
Upon the last announcement, i had to make sure the bagpipers are at where they are supposed to be, that include the Rank Holders or Senior Under Officers of respective Coy from Alpha to Hotel to be outside the holding area of the VIPs. At the same time, i had to make sure that the Boys that will be doing the hakka dance are ready behind stage as i radioed OP Basar that they are now moving into the hall.
2030 hours

Boys in Uniform waiting

Boys in Uniform Slow Marching

Tun, Tan Sri and Stupe. No, i'm no VIP, Just ensuring the walkway is cleared for the entourage to pass
2035 hours
The VIPs were then seated at the round table and the Boys ran up the stage for a hakka dance.

Yah!!! Kamate kamate...We are BAD!!!

The look of Approval from the VIPs
Then, my junior, OP Amir/Midon called to tell me that he got some GT girls coming to pass some pamphlets...and these was what i saw...

Noticed the girl in red???they were in short short and low low stuff!!!
2045 hours
The MC, OP Habibur, then invited OP Halim Ali to the stage, accompanied by OP Mat Rabi to give his opening speech. OP Halim credited all OPs for making the night possible and the fact that this was the first time we are having a dinner here in KLCC, and we are the first to be feted by the KLCCCC F&B department. More speeches later and at 2100 hours, President called upon everyone for a toast to RMC.
Then, all Exco members, including yours truly, were called on stage and was introduced again.
Something different this year as it had the outgoing OP President handing over a Baton to the Incoming President to signify transfer of power.
Soon after the new committee members were then announced, and introduced to the fellow OPs. OP Aziz got the loudest cheers from his batch mates, that were placed at one corner of the hall.
2115 hours
The stage light went off, or so it seems, it was supposed to be off(the console were to hightech, no one seems to be able to find the toggle button for stage lights) with only the followspot shining on one military staff in centrestage, ready to blow his bugler, signalling dinner time. The SUO on duty then came into sight.
"Mess QUIET!!!", he shouted.
He then marched to the President and asked his permission to carry on.
Upon getting his permission, he walked back onto centrestage.
"Carry ON!", he shouted as he dissappear into the darkness.
Dinner is served.
2120 hours
The organising committee won't and will not have a chance to sit down and eat from then onwards. it's showtime and it is curcial as we all know how hard it is to round up fellow OPs performer to be where they are supposed to be, on time for their show.
I was fortunate enough as my table was just next to the stage and i could catch a few bites in between.
The show started with the OTD playing intrumental version of Mambo No. 5 and Blue Bossa. By then, i've already had OP Suhaimi 74B to be ready behind backstage to sing his song Selamat Tinggal.
It was then i had to get OP Rahim Noor, also batch 74 to be ready behind stage as he will duet with OP Suhaimi for the song Hujan.
I went looking for OP Halim 80C, as he was next in line to sing Right Here waiting.
By then, i realised i totally forgot to take pictures of the OP Artist singing!!! Sorry to you all Sir!!! I'm taking 10, on my knuckles after i finish this sentence.
Show time continued with Datin Aida, wife of OP Dahan, rendering the song "Pulangkan" with OP CK Chua.

I heard OP Dahan gave OP Chua stern warning to back off after the song ;-)
Then it was Doc Idris, 63E's turn to sing. He sang "Biarlah Bulan Bicara" wonderfully abeit his bad back and while wearing a corset, he could still jiggy a few move on stage. Well done doc!
By then, i've already had OP Mike 62E and Doc Idris's daughter, Dr. Mariana ready on the back stage.
By then, i realised that i've been running up and down the whole hall looking for all of them and getting them ready for their show. knowing that i'll be given "hell" should i F things up, i realised that i better be a better fatigue boy and get things done according to plan.
OP Mike went on to sing "I Love Paris".

And we bet you love Rose as well...
It was then Dr. Mariana's turn to belt out "Menghitung Hari". It's always a wonder to the organising committee if doctors are supposed to take up singing classes as part of their medical program.
To further strengthen my point, we next have my partner in the adventure races, OP Dr. Hisyamsalleh ready to belt out his number by Alleycat, "Andainya aku pergi dulu".
He told me to get his backup singer, OP Suhaimi...which made me run to the other end of the hall to get him...

but doc, we think you looked like PCK doing an Alleycat!!!

Doc's secret weapon, OP Suhaimi at backstage...
By then, i've already had OP Bob Hamdan 73C, ready behind stage to do belt out his number.
COmplete with a pseudo rifle and bullet belt, a panita's hat and mexican scarf...he went on to belt out "Rhinestone Cowboy"

No sir, it isn't OK Carroll as yet, it's still KLCC, with 2 extra C's at the end...
2205 hours
I was told to get OP Mat Rabi ready for the presentation of OP of the Year Award. Went looking for him and managed to find him in jsut a nick of time when the MC invited OP Vice President on stage for the reading of the award reciepient's accollades.
This year's OP of the year went to OP Jomo Kwame Sundaram 67G. He is now based in UN at New York.
Congrats sir!!

OP Jomo, OP of the Year 2005
2230 hours
It's showtime. I've managed to get OP Asfani and OP Joherman, as the winner of the OP Idle, Group winner to be behind stage without any problem. They will do the opening gambit for the showtime and without further ado, they went onstage, belting out "Ghazal Untuk Rabiah".

You guys rock!!!
OP Asfani went on after that to render his version of "Kekasih Awal dan Akhir". He was the overall winner for the OP Idle competition. The songs that were sung by all the artistes were well planned out, to reflect the year of each OPs when they were in RMC.
OP Habibur's daughter, Ms. Nadiah were next and she sang "I will Survive", with ease, abeit being and claimed to be nervous.

You did more than just survived!
Before the song finished, i've already had a very nervous daughter of OP Johari Ismail, also known as OP JI Ostrich, behind stage. She will sing "I will always love you". She's young and shows a lot of potential, so, don't be surprised to see her making it as a recording artist in time to come!

OP JIO, please don't forget to invite us to Albert Hall one day!
By then, i've already round up the first guest artist, Cik Intan Sarafina to be behind stage. She is supposed to sing 3 songs. Being a proper arstist that she is, she belted out 3 numbers which was "Kau Pergi Tanpa Pesan", "Can't take my eyes off you" and "Kopi Dangdut". She had the audience singing with her.
That was also the time where the organising committee could take a break, for 2 songs. The planned "My Way" was cancelled because one OP couldn't make it to the dinner. Instead, it was replaced by a big surprised by the committee.
OP Che Md Noor, 58F, former Chief of Army, surprised fellow OPs with his redention of a song that requires two singer to Duet. He had himself made up on one side to look like a female and the other side to look like a male with red shirt. It was simply splendid! Where else could you find Army General doing these? Kudos to you sir!

Tabik Spring TUAN!!!
Lost in the midst of the fun and excitement, i still couldn't locate OP Nadzri, 57C and daughter, Ms. Abby. It was after the MC, OP Rahman did an announcement that daughter and father went onstage and sang "Jangan Dipisahkan". OP Nadzri's daughter is an up and coming recording artiste as well.
OP Johari Ostrich and his daughter, Johana then went onstage to render the audience a song called "Pandang-pandang, Jeling-jeling". I came to the conclusion that most OP daughters could belt out songs as well, if not better than their father. It will be good to see if Dr. Hisyam's daugther, could sing other songs, except Alleycats' songs. ;-)
Next on line was our doctor with bad back, OP Idris and Daughter, Dr. Mariana went on stage to deliver a duet of the song "seiring dan sejalan". I remembered me and Azly sang this song during one of the Idle competition, and we won that heat. We are both glad we are not asked to sing it that night...it might be horrible, disaster even.


Next online was was the Batch of 74, headed by OP Bustaman and OP Rahim Noor, with OP CK Chua and OP Suhaimi for their Quartet song of "Nyayian Serambi". They harmonised perfectly(almost) and may decide to produce an album before next year's dinner.

Move over KRU brothers..make way for Quartet 74!!!
That song signalled the end of performance by OP and i hauled up Ms. Hannah Tan to the backstage, prying her away from her fiancee, which was accompanying her to the dinner.
For those that do not know who she is, she's the host of Ringgit Sense and her CV is too long to be written here. Cutting the long CV short, she is a girl with more Brains, than Beauty. So, go figure, she's already pretty and beautiful, so, don't try goreng her in anyway. You might get burned ;-)
Hannah Sang 3 songs. She just cut an album as well. She sang "Get here", "summertime" and "Flashdance".

Beauty with Brains, if only you met an OP as your future husband...then it will be almost perfect ;)
Before she went on stage, OP Ismail Ashaari, comedian cum auditor extrodinaire went on stage and invited Hannah on stage. As per usual, everyone knows what is Ismail's antic will be on stage. We just hope that Hannah was duly informed. OP Ismail liven up the night. He even make remarks that only we OPs knows that ONLY him could get away with. He and Hannah even went down the stage to kiss OP Che Md Noor; OP Ismail on the "girl" side and Hannah on the Manly side. The crowd roared in laughter and approval!

OP Ismail in action and full swing jester mode
OP Ismail was resourceful. He even managed to get Amy Mastura on stage! And that is FOC to the OPA!. Her husband, OP Alvin was there as well and was more than happy to give his wife away for the dinner committee.
Amy Mastura sang "Bila Larut Malam", with OP Azizi, OP Alvin's batchmate and OP Ismail as her backup singer. The "tara-kucha-tara-kucha-kucha" chorus has the whole hall, on either side, competiting for who could sing the loudest! It was entertainment at it's best.
Also, much to my delight, for the first time since i attended OPA dinner since 7 years back, that i noticed OPs actually staying back to see the show! Well done!

Amy Mastura, no rehearsal and still sang like a bird...
She went on to sing anohter song, "stand by me" was choosen, and this coincide with this year's theme of "OP Camaraderie". Whole hall sang with her and husband OP Alvin and jester, OP Ismail.
It was after that that the batch of 72 decided to put OP Azudin on the stage and made the strong 1400 crowd sing him the Birthday song. it was his 49th birthday and his wife gave him a kiss on his cheek, after much coaxing from OP Ismail.
OP Ismail was certainly in his element. He poke fun at everyone, including the VIPs, which, i dare not even pen it down. His jokes were blunt and distasteful for those that do not know who he is. but for us that knows him, we know he is just out to entertained, and many a time, VIPs knows that he do not meant what he says. I'll leave that to those that were present to "story" to you guys that missed it...
heck, he even did an unthinkable stunt. he called upon OP Ling Liong Sik to belt out a song.
OP Ling, 58B, gladly obliged. This even strengten my belief that Doctors could sing!!! OP Ling sang Que Sera Sera and had the hall singing with him as well. And all these is without rehearsal and the organising committee is again at the (good) mercy of OP Ismail to organise his stunts. Well done Tun!!!

The first Tun that RMC produced, crooning away.
OP Ismail then thanked OP Ling and pledge that with that song, he will make sure it will get at least RM10,000.00 contribution for the OPA. Many thanks sir!!!
The show ended with a medley song being sang by OP Nasir, son of OP Che Md Noor. He, OP Nasir belted out songs like "young ones", "Mambo Italiano" and a few joget songs and charging up the crowd for a dancing session. For the longest time, this after dinner dance was brought back, thanks to the abundance of space of KLCC's CC big banquet hall.

OP Nasir, making the crowd gyrate their hips to the beat

Toh Puan even lead everyone to a simple line dancing routine to the music!

fancy some salsa and cha cha as well???
The night ended at circa 0100 hours. The Guest of Honour, OP Ling was still around, and was seen taking pictures with OPs, young and old.
Teh Tarik was served at the foyer since 2230 hours and a lot of OPs were seen catching up and having their own TTS, be it at KLCC,CC or outside somewhere in KL.
It was truly a fun and memorable night. No doubt.

My Intake - Year 1991-1993(Form 4 intake)that made it to the dinner.
Will proceed to blog about the OP-PP day later. Let my finger rest, for now. it's already 1600 hours and i'll be in Tg Malim first thing tomorrow morning.
i was pretty dumbfucked when the duty SUO actually shouted something else other than "Mess Duduk Sedia!!" before reporting for dinner - i wasn't prepared for the English version. Even my batchmates was like "WTF??" when the Duty SUO came back and shouted "Carry On!!". Maybe we were used to the Malay version
ReplyDeletedoin't worry, i'm as dumdfucked as well...i didn't know they had an english version nowadays.
ReplyDeletemy friend has a thing for Hannah..then again..which guy doesn't these days?? lol
ReplyDeleteyeah, she is a nice girl, very very profesional, i do have the pic of me putting on helmet for her which my friends alll poke fun off...