If that was only one word to describe it, it would be that.
There were so many of us that night that i decided to cap it as 16 pax.
Here is a recap from my which i updated as i progress through the night.

Traffic jam on karak highway at this hour? Got to be joking! It's raining and today's ride will be fun. If it rain any heavier, they won't be any frequent updating. :-(

At genting sempah with bacin. Weather's cold and there is at least 12 of us. Gonna be a cold wet ascend!

Karoline in full pink outfit. Even her camelbak! Shoes, bandana, top everything is pink!

13more km to go. So far so good. Waiting for azmar, vicky and don. Weather's fine and no chill. Awana straight ahead.

Having a break at goh tong jaya. There is 16 of us. Vicky's disc brake failure and we shall all see how she comes down. So far, i've touched a max speed of 58.5kmh on a 1km winding downhill! Sweet! Can i touch 75 today coming down?

Safe and sound in starbuck! It's cold and it's freezing! Going down is last on my mind!

Made it! One more for the road! The guys are eating and feasting on what ever they could lay their mouth on! Priceless!

Forgot to post this morning. Everyone got down to basecamp safe and seen sahur-ing at 6am,i had dirt for breakfast!
For those that went to the my Lifelogger account to view the progress of the ride, thank you! Sorry i couldn't update it as often as i wanted as it was pouring down all the way from Goh Tong Jaya after KM5.0. The climb from Goh Tong was steep all the way with gradient of up to 12degree at certain stretch.
I have some other pics i've taken with my phone and shall update it as i get the cable from the car to download it to my PC.
Everyone came back safe and sound, some decided to take the car/van down as they were too tired and had prior engagement with the family. It's completely understandable.
For your info, the crazy people, well, some of them, actually did Genting again on Saturday night. That's 2 Genting ride in 2 days! Salute!
Stay tuned for more pictures update, soon!
Here is Bacin's Report
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