Best song to explain my emotions now
I admit. I was once an Ah Beng (many say i'm still am).
This Kancil was officially my first car which i paid with my monthly wages. It's been 6 years since. How time flies.
Clocking in at about 180988km as of today, the mileage doesn't reflect the car's age. I've taken really good care of the car, engine and transmission wise. Scheduled maintainence was to the dot and i've since changed the timing belt 3 times, tyres 3 times, aircond serviced 3 times, transmission oil 3 times, suspension (as in struts and dampers) 3 times and countless changes of oil and filters, of course.
For a car running into it's twilight years (mileage wise, it's equavilent to a car 9 years of age), it's served me mighty fine.
But as all stories, it has to come to an end.
Needless to say, the new car that will replace this Kancil will get the same amount of TLC. But one can't help but feel sad about ditching the old car for the new. Maybe it's just me. Being sentimental about it and all.

You rock dude!
One blogger told me to "make love to the car just one last time". She really meant for me to wash it la, not literally stick my you know what into the exhaust pipe. (link removed to protect her reputation :P)
Short history, i bought this car with the help of my dad back in year 2000. He paid the downpayment and i have to settle the rest of the payment. Back then, it was going for 30K plus. Taking a 5 years loan on a high 5.3% interest(back then, everyone changes car like it was FOC), i found myself having to pay a good RM530 every month for the next 60 months. And true to the calculation, i finally finished the Hire Purchase loan last year on 21st September. Since then, i was debt free. Driving the car for a good 1 year until i forgotten to pay and renew the insurance and roadtax.
And so, this morning, i spent a good 1 hour removing things which i could from my beloved ride.

I'll miss you
The roofrack and the bike carrier. The Subwoofers which resides inside my tyre well (yes, i've been driving around without a spare tyre for 6 years). The Ecotek which helped the car save more on petrol ( i average a good 16km/l), the Inline Broquet which had helped me saved on some petrol as well.
The balance of it, my CD player and Changer, my 2 amps, 1 equaliser and 1 turbo timer would be dismantled by my regular mechanic.
You know, sometimes, you just can't help it but to feel a lil bit sentimental about things like this.
As my mum would say, old one don't go, new one won't come...
Yes Ma dearest, i truly know that.

For pics of my car, in various stages of his own here
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