I know, i could already hear some of you saying that most fruit juices you could find outside are diluted and loses all it's nutrition values.
But this place, Aptly known as OM Fruit Juice, that also serves halal muslim food, is an exception.
Why is that so?

Cure for Hot Sunny Fasting Month!
Well, for one, you get ice blended fruit juice, very much like the more expensive smoothies you get at those overprices globalised overly franchised shop in shopping complexes.
Here, a drink starts at RM2 and top at RM4 (or was it 5).
Here is a sample of the menu.

it was 40 type of juices 5 years ago....
With 34 type of fruits and vegetable for you to choose from, you would never run out of choice. Even if you were to take one a day, it will take you a month before you finished trying it out!
This place is owned by my dad's classmate back in high school. Auntie Angie, as i would call her, ensure that all drinks and food served here are of good quality. They serves mainly Thai Muslim food and the workers are all certified by the proper council to ensure it's halal.
If you think the fruit juices served above is extensive, wait till you see this next menu...

Another 26 more juices for you to try!!!
The list above is the star of the lot. Some of the concoction really confuses the taste bud and some has some science behind them.
Now, take for example, my favourite drink

Give me an E!!!!
We all know Durian is heaty. And it's a well known fac that Watermelon is cooling.
Mixing both up will ultimately gives you the pleasure of indulging in the king of fruit without worrying about any health effect due to it's consumption (well, minus the caloric effect though...had to run 10k to burn them off).
Now, that is science, no?
Before you go on and say "Durian Watermelon???!!!"
Yes, you read it right...and before i go on to show you how it actually looked like, here is the general direction to get to Om Fruit Juice.
Assuming that you were coming from PJ, get yourself to Lebuhraya Mahameru and head towards the Pahang Roundabout.
At the Roundabout, turn left (or 9 o'clock as we malaysian would say it) and go past Tawakal Hospital. After the hospital, you will go past(ie go straight!) 1 McD on your left, 2 petrol station on your left, 1 traffic light (that if you turn left will leads you to Sentul), 1 more traffic light (if you turn right, you will end up in Titiwangsa), 1 petrol station on your right, the defunct Galleria shopping centre on your left, 1 Masjid Jamek on your left and you are now in Jalan Genting Klang.
Just right up is the turning to Gombak. Skip this turning and go straight on passing 1 police station on your left and 1 Courts Mammoth on your left. You will see anohter set of traffic light which you will not take. Go straight on until you pass 1 petrol station which is now converted into a car sales place, then past one more petrol station before you reach anohter set of traffic light.
Go straight onwards and try keeping to the left lane. Immediately after the Overhead pedestrian crossing, turn left and then turn right into the road parallel to the main road. Kenny Rogers must be on your left by now!
Go until almost to the end of the road and you will see OM FRUIT JUICE.
Anyway, here is how it looked it from Google Earth.

OK. Here is how Durian Watermelon looked like:

Giant mug which i've finished quarter of the Durian already!
The drink is icy smooth and it's pure durian which they uses. The watermelon and it's sweetness balanced out the pungent taste (which i love!) and give a whole new meaning to "Heavenly"

see, even my cousin think's it's uber nice
My sis had a cup of Kinana, other wise known as Kiwi+banana+ice cream. It looked like this

And it causes the kiddo to react like this:

She is in more for the ice-cream only anyway...
Wifey ordered this concotion which is Honeydew+lychee+orange...you could taste as if you were eating orange and the taste of honeydew and orange drown out the lychee...

And if you think the girl hate durian...think again! She loves it!

Sharing is caring...but i got to drink faster than her as she could gobble the whole thing down!
Oh ya, speaking of Fasting month, sis bought some fresh dates. This is my first time i see Dates as fresh and as close as this!

At RM28 per kg...this is expensive food!
We are supposed to wait until the fruits turn from yellow until brown...then it's ripe and sweet to be eaten. It could be eaten while it's yellow, it is crunchy and it sticks to your teeth and leave a sandy feeling on your tongue!
Then, my parents, on their wedding anniversary, gave to me and wifey one ol skoll retro blender which are not even opened yet since they bought it in the late 80's! I just hope the blender could still work!

Meanwhile waiting for the fruits to ripen and the durian watermelon to pass through my system...the blender will come in handy to make my own fruit juices!!!
song to listen to while using the blender....
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